Most mornings I am waken by Eden stuck on his tummy in the crib, usually holding on to the rails and he can't figure out how to roll to his back. Isaac has done it several times but unless he's passed completely out, Eden rolls to his tummy every time you put him down. Isaac likes to sleep on his side but doesn't make it there sometimes so his arms and legs are crossed to his intended side but he's still in his back. It's very cute. Eden has also become obsessed with his feet. Everytime you change his diaper, it results in a fight to keep him horizontal and flat. Can't say it would be any easier with disposables though.
Eden pre-bath.They are eating cereals and fruit and vegetable purees now, so after I tried out all of the first foods and some seconds for allergies, I finally got to bust out the awesome book Leah lent me on making our own baby food. I got a manual food mill from Babies'R'Us for $12 and we has a small food processor, plenty of pots to boil water, and a steam basket. So far, I have made apples, pears, mixed the two, zucchini and sweet potatoes. I was surprized that they liked the zucchini but they gobbled it up. I also have plans for cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower and potatoes, but I need to reorganize our freezer because it's slowly being taken over by small Tupperware bowls of purees. Thanks to my sister's recent baby related donation from my nephew's old stuff, we have plenty of little bowls to store it all in.
Aunt Jaimie over for a visit (L:Isaac; R:Eden) .Eden's first tooth finally broke through. This brought some relief but I think more will be shortly behind them because he gnaws on EVERYTHING now, not just soft or squishy stuff. Even hard plastic has now given him at least temporary relief. Isaac's ridge still isn't very pronounced, but his new favorite thing to do it raspberries. Most of the time, he bites the bottle nipple, enough to let some formula out, and then spittles it out, resulting in a wet shirt 99% of the day, regardless how many bibs and shirt changes he goes though. Laundry is a lot easier now with the new washer and dryer - makes me wish we got it sooner, but I'm happy to have it now. Now to figure out what to do with the clothes line in the hallway......
They are both sitting independently pretty well now. I have them on the play mats with their boppy's behind them and throw a bunch of small toys, from blocks to cloth books, in front of them. Eden has really gotten into it and loves rushing through as many things he can get his hands on while Isaac prefers to kick at everything. Occasionally they will reach too far to the side to grab something and topple over. Eden has figured out how to roll over to his stomach after that, but get's stuck there and ends up yelling for help since he won't roll to his back. Isaac usually just layes there or kicks his feet and sucks on his fingers until someone can help.
Isaac (L) & Eden (R) playing on the floor.The "Your Baby Can Read" videos from Kim & Beau have taught Isaac how to shake his head no today. After a belly full of barley and zucchini puree, both of them were laying in their boppy's on either side of me while they were eating bottles. Isaac was avoiding eating, as he tends to do, but this time when I asked him if he wanted the bottle, he shook his head no. I was so amazed I laughed and asked him again so he laughed and did it again. This of course sent us into a round of me laughing at him, so he laughed at me, so I laughed even harder, and so on and Eden laughing at us collectively.
Isaac asleep in our bed on my pillow.Eden's speech has developed even further now including M's and B's and a low growl now. Isaac loves to scream in the high pitch Eden used to do but doesn't like it when Eden does it back and get's upset. He has from what we can tell grown out of his shy stage. Last week's chiropractor appointment was the first time he was there and held by someone other than Joey or I to be adjusted as well as while I was being adjusted that he didn't cry. In fact, he didn't cry the entire time we were there.
We've also been getting out for walks when it's nice outside. I broke out the running stroller my old boss gave me and I looooove it. I think the boys enjoy it a lot more than the tandem stroller their old car seats fit into because it allows them a lot more leg room and has more support on the sides. The tandem was okay for shopping, but places like Target and the like usually have their racks too close together to efficiently navigate through without running into anything.
Eden (L) and Isaac (R) out on a walk.