
Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Cookies at Grandma Moseley's

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cross-posted from Primatey Hoodies

Cross-post from Halloween costumes

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Our first trip to the ER

Never a fond day to imagine or experience for any parent, but I'm honestly a little surprised my rough and tumble boys hadn't made their debut until now. We were at the library for our weekly trip of returning books and videos and picking out new ones with my mom, when Isaac tripped and ran head first into one of the small wooden chairs at the far end in the kids area. I heard the smack from across the room where I was selecting new books for them as my mom watched them giggle and chase each other in said area. By the time I got over there my mom's face was white - what was showing behind her hands anyways and I picked him up and turned him around and there was a pinky-width gash in his forehead that was starting to ooze blood. I quickly brought him to the kids restroom in the area and stuck a wad of toilet paper over it and held on as hard as I could. He was already screaming and the pressure I was applying only made it worse. Mom had swooped up Eden and dumped our library book bag of what I started to pick out and we were out the door.

I opened the back of the van and sat down to try to get a better look at him and instructed my mom to call Joey for the number to the after hours pediatrician. By the time he called back, mom had called my dad who was waiting for us at the park next door and he jumped in the driver's seat of the van, mom in the front passenger seat so she could talk to Joey on the phone and I in the back trying my best to assure Isaac it was okay and we were going to "fix it" which is what he was mostly muttering and make sure shocked Eden was okay and knew Isaac was okay as well. Joey said they instructed us to take him to the ER so dad dropped mom, Isaac and I off at the door to the ER at Henry Medical while he took Eden to my sister's house to play with my nephew.

Thankfully the nurses were right on top of things and got us signed in as quickly as possible so we could get him to a bed. They said they would be able to glue it together with Dermabond and put steristrips over it as well. Joey arrived after Isaac was patched up and watching Sid the Science kid on my phone and we were filling in the nurses for paperwork and insurance filing. We were in and out in less than an hour even though the waiting room was pretty full when we got there. Dad arrived back with Eden shortly there after and drove us back to the library to get their cars and Joey met us at home.

The ride home was fine, they got whatever cookies I had left for emergency snacks and I dispensed a few more after getting home. Thankfully they ate dinner before we left so they weren't starving. We took them up for bed a little later than usual but they were jumping around and dancing together as if nothing happened. He started getting a little fussy when I was changing him into pj's so I gave him a half dose of Tylenol and after a little grumbling to get comfortable, they fell asleep.

I know tomorrow will be the real challenge. Keep me in your prayers.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mercier Orchards 09.17.2011


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