Again, it's all in the title.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
I keep forgetting to post them so here they go...
This one was in May, sorry about the audio, I didn't think to turn off or at least down the Pandora that was streaming while I took the video. It really worked out well in the long run though - especially from around 2:00 to the ending. The quality suffers though because of how close the microphone and speaker are in relation to each other. Basically it sounds like we're on a cruise ship.
This one was in May, sorry about the audio, I didn't think to turn off or at least down the Pandora that was streaming while I took the video. It really worked out well in the long run though - especially from around 2:00 to the ending. The quality suffers though because of how close the microphone and speaker are in relation to each other. Basically it sounds like we're on a cruise ship.
Monday, June 27, 2011
June 2011
This month came and went in a big blur and I'm not really sure what happened to it. We started going to the library again but since they have graduated to the storytime verses babytalk, I am finding myself wondering if it's benefiting them at all. At first, probably because it was still new, they were okay. It's not in a confined room anymore so thy all want to run and when one runs, they all try too. Since there is only one of me and two of them, it can turn me into a sweaty ball of stress in about 5 minutes from arriving there. I've had help a few times but last week was with help and was probably the worst yet. Tomorrow will be the ultimate test - if they are crazy then, they will be for some time and since they're not paying attention, they're not getting anything out of it and we're just disturbing everyone else's experience. I know part of it is that the teacher is different, someone they're not accustomed to and not as engaging but I like the book/song x 4 then a project deal and the reading program with incentives they're enrolled in. I guess it just gives us all something to look forward to doing weekly.
We have also started hanging out with Stephanie and Eli weekly whom we met at Babytalk for the first session. We've gone to their neighborhood pool a couple times, the park and our house and it has helped push back their morning nap and consolidate it to one longer afternoon nap, which I actually prefer and enjoy more. Aside from that, errands are the only time we get out during the week during the day. I've got to figure something out for grocery shopping though because they're becoming intolerable and it's taking way too long to do simple runs.

I think they're cutting their second molars, but they're also knee deep in their "terrible two's". Eden's speech has improved a lot but his patience for Isaac's grabbie hands has lessened. They fight a good bit now and for the most part time outs work, but Isaac can be pretty inconsolable some days. They are still obsessed with the Wiggles and ask for the show by name now, as well as figuring out how to work all the drawers in the house without hardware. I've put latches on the ones in their bedroom that have things they don't need to get into or are just annoying to have to keep putting away as well as all the ones in the kitchen. I need to get some for the entertainment center now though and we're going to have to remove the filing cabinet from their playroom - as of this afternoon, Eden figured out how to open the drawers.

We went ahead and got the swingset for their birthday (which is a month from tomorrow OMG!!!) and will hopefully have it put up soon with the toddler swings from mom's house. Then we can get rid of the short swing/slide set after their birthday that they've been fighting over for some time now and even have room for one more swing rider when friends and family come over to play.
Joey's birthday was this past weekend and for a short while they got to play with Kayli, Zoe and Luka for a little while. It's still mostly parallel play and they love to watch the older kids, but the exposure is always nice and it's good to see them warm up to people a lot quicker now.
About Me

- Trish Rhodes
- I am a mother to three amazing boys including a set of fraternal twins, a wanna-be artist that lives on a 21+ acre farm in Virginia with my wonderful (musician) husband and have an associates degree in art with a focus in painting.
My Blog List
The Running Man15 years ago
At The Museum5 years ago
Batman: Arkham Asylum14 years ago
Day 216: Kamen Rider (Masked Rider)12 years ago