
Sunday, August 7, 2011

pj parade

We asked for more pj's for the boys' birthday, and you answered!

PJ's from The McClellan's

PJ's from The Strange's

PJ's from Gma & Gpa Brickhouse

PJ's from Gma & Gdad and Uncle Clint Rhodes

Thank you so much for helping keep our boys warm at night :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

videos from July

The boys visit with Aunt Jane

Slip and Slide 1
Slip and Slide 2
Wiggly Party
Isaac vacuuming
Stack and destroy
Isaac letters

Things I made for the boys' birthday

Birthday t-shirts - Sid The Science Kid Themed
bought t-shirts for $3+ and the iron-ons for $8+ from Hobby Lobby

bean bag toss - Sid the Science Kid Themed
Cost $0 - had wood, paint and fabric unless you deduct some change from the iron on transfers used from shirts.

Kid sized picnic tables x 2.
Cost $0 - base, supports and seats all made from previous bed slats - Lade from Ikea, and top from recycled pallets from Joey's work.

I also made vanilla flavored monkey suckers and worm s in dirt cupcakes but forgot to take pictures.

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