
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I found these shirts on clearance at Babies"R"Us Thursday night and just had to get them :)

Eden always has a look of surprise when you take his picture :)

I think Isaac really wanted to be a zombie...

No sound on the video but it has a better quality picture than my cameraphone.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

First non-doctor related outing

We just got back from having dinner at my parents house and it was the first time the boys made a trip out of the house without the intention of seeing a doctor. Of course they were hungry as soon as we got there, so after quickly feeding them, we stuffed ourselves, cleaned up spit-up, and sat around playing with the boys. It was only a few hours but it was nice to get out and feel "normal" again. I hope it will become a more normal pattern as soon as Isaac's off his oxygen - hopefully soon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy 3 month birthday little monkies!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kristy's visit

This past weekend, Kristy came to visit and we did a couch swap. She has a smaller house in TN than we do and was in need of a smaller couch and we were looking for a sectional anyways and knew hers was comfortable, so we traded. We've been enjoying the crap out of it already - it's nice to be able to lay down with one of the boys for a nap without worrying if I need to move so if Joey wants to come sit on the couch with us, I won't be hogging it all.

She helped me give the boys a bath that night and I was finally able to get some bath pictures for their new baby books.

That following evening, she and I went to Starbucks and got a pedicure.

We also stopped by Toys'R'us where I found these cute little things that remind me of the boys - Isaac is the hamster and Eden is the turtle. He he. I'm thinking about getting them for them for Christmas.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I have the most awesome husband in the world!

Ever since we found out we were having twins, I have been on a quest for the perfect baby book for them. I wanted something similar to mine but with a modern vibe to it. I thought I found one online specifically for twins but when I got it in person, it didn't measure up to what I wanted so I returned it. I again thought I found something I thought would be acceptable in Books-A-Million that I would order online cheaper, but before I did, I found EXACTLY what I was looking for at Babies'R'Us. It wasn't specifically for twins, but it was just like my baby book, but modern. Only downfall is that when you have to buy 2, it get's expensive @ $30 each, so I had to wait until we got paid again. I had been researching them online in the morning and was trying to figure out how to get them out of fear they would disappear, but that afternoon, Joey surprised me with them. He took some of his own money he had been saving to get a new phone (which he badly needs) and got them because he knew how much it meant to me. He's so awesome!!!

Eden snoozing & Isaac helping me hold his bottle.

Eden and Isaac sporting the new hoodie outfits from Grandma and Grandpa Moseley.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Random pictures of the boys

Baseball outfit gift without the hat

Eden sleeping sweetly

Isaac loves his glow-worm

Joey's baby picture and Isaac

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Grandpa's Boys :)

My dad and the boys Thursday evening

Silly Isaac

Silly Eden

Silly boys :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Joey's mom arrived on Sunday afternoon for a week long visit with the boys. The first night, she said she dreamed she was trying to protect them and 2 of Joey's cousins she used to babysit dry and safe and was having trouble doing so - as a result of hearing them cry at night. This morning she said she never heard them cry so I guess she's already used to it :)

Isaac had his evaluation yesterday with the Clayton County Board of Health for their Babies Can't Wait Program. There was an educator and a physical therapist as well as another therapist there that asked me a lot of questions about his habits and needs, his breathing issues, watched me feed him and interacted with him a little as part of the evaluation. They said he is borderline qualified because of a few difficulties but want to meet Eden to see if he mirror's Isaac's setbacks so the educator will come by on Monday to evaluate him.

After I got him home, Joey took his mom to Ikea for a bit. Isaac's nasal cannual for his oxygen kept coming untaped during the evaluation (mostly because he kept pulling it off) so I took it off him to clean it but noticed his stats were doing really well while I had it off so I decided to see just how long he could go. I was a bit nervous at first but 15 minutes turned into 30, and then an hour and then a total of five hours, at which pont I had given him a bath and dressd him for bed and wanted him to be back on it for bedtime. He was almost a different baby, wide eyed and cooing most of the time and slept very hard while he napped. Hopefully this will continue and we may have him off it sooner than we thought (Christmas). He has a follow up appointment with his pulmonologist on the first week of November so she'll probably schedule the sleep study shortly after where he and I will spend the night at Egleston to see how he does without oxygen.

I also had to "fire" their pediatrician due to a severe error on her part for calculating their Reglan prescription. It started with filling the prescription she gave us on their visit on the 1st at the pharmacy When the boys were discharged from the hospital, it was 0.2ML for Eden and 0.21 ML for Isaac 3x's a day and the both weighed just over 5 lbs. They weighed 10+lbs and 9+lbs respectively at the 2 month appointment but she increased the dose to 3ML each - still 3x's a day. The pharmacy thought it was a lot so they called to confirm it's accuracy and she did. That night after we gave them both their first dose, Eden had a problem swallowing it and it accidentally got in his airway, he threw up everything he just ate and was wheezing. I called the on-call doctor to make sure him coughing it out would be okay or if we needed to take him to emergency. He said he should be okay but asked how much we gave him and when I told him 3ML, he was shocked and said it should be no more than 1ML and we needed to call in the morning to confirm the prescription. I was able to speak to another pediatrician who recalculated it at 0.4ML for each of them so we gave them 7.5x's as much as they should have gotten. My gut reaction was to physically harm the pediatrician that prescribed it whom I never really got warm fuzzies from anyways. I had them change them over to the new pediatrician and flag our account that she is the only one we see from now on as well as the same at the pharmacy. Now I get to do the same for all the specialists Isaac's already seen. *sigh* On a good note though, the clinic that administers Isaac's RSV shots finally got the referral for Eden and are only waiting now on insurance approval, so hopefully that will happen soon. We need to get flu shots for Joey and I still too, but we're stalling because we both hate them and only get sick when we get them...

Today we took them both in for Isaac's appointment with the Gastrointestinal specialist. She was very thorough and asked a lot of questions about both of them and decided to "experiment" with a few things to see if 1) Eden's fussiness and Issac's newly developed fussiness subsides with the removal of their Reglan, 2) Increase the dose of Zantac they were taking to see if it takes care of the reflux issue, and 3) add oatmeat to their formula to help with spitups since the added rice in other formulas made them constipated. I'm still worried it will constipate them because the Zantac does that on it's own, but maybe the oatmeal is the key.

Next Thursday is Isaac's second followup with the eye doctor but instead of just seeing the same person for five minutes after waiting for 2 hours, the therapists at the evaluation let me know they just hired an actual pediatric ophthalmologist, so I changed the appointment to her. He has to go back again because he's still on oxygen and it has increase the blood vessel growth in his eyes, causing problems later.

Oh, and the intention of a new, more enclosed entertainment center for our tv turned into a new 46" LCD flat panel tv as well and we used the $ Joey got from selling his Vespa for it - and it's our Christmas present to each other, so yeah. We're enjoying it :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Isaac got his first RSV shot today and hasn't been feeling very well. We're still waiting on approval for Eden since the Pediatrician's office "forgot" to send in the request when they did Isaac's - long story. Any who, he'll be receiving them once a month through February for sure and possibly through April if insurance approves the other two.

They are also fitting into a lot more of the clothes that we have gotten so all the cute little outfits we got are starting to make their appearances. They won't be able to wear them for long though. After baths on Wednesday night, Isaac weighed 9 lb 4 oz and Eden weighed 10 lb 2 oz. We've also had to request larger diapers from our diaper service because the other ones have gotten too tight. It's good to see them filling out though. The more they do, the more they resemble each other - we are in so much trouble...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Isaac went to the Urologist yesterday and they were not able to retrieve a copy of his ultrasound from in the hospital, but since I was told (as well as the discharge papers) that it was mild, he decided to give him another 4 months before doing another one and doing his circumcision so they can use anesthesia. He said once they get the original ultrasound and look at it, he'll be able to better tell what the situation is (from his hydronephrosis caused by the Ibuprofen treatment for the PDA) and would call if it was more severe than we thought. He'll have to be seen at Egleston at Emory for that appointment which will consist of a morning ultrasound and the afternoon circ. so I'll probably be there all day.

Isaac's still been having a little trouble with the rice formulas so we put him back on the Gentalese but it's done a number on his stomach in the meantime, which has contributed to many long nights for the both of us, but he seems to be doing much better as of last night and this morning.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

We took the boys in this morning for they're two month check up and shots. Eden now weighs a hefty 9lb 6 oz, is 22" long and 15" head circumference. Isaac weighs 8lb 5 oz, is 21.75" long and 14.75" head circumference. They are both doing well according to Dr. Matthew and she'll see them again in two months for they're 4 month checkup and shots. They both cried the cry where they hold their breath and turn red and Joey said I went "mommy" when it happened, but thankfully we had bottles at the ready so that calmed them pretty well. They and I will be resting for the remainder of the day since they decided to keep me up all night.

I also forgot to post earlier the pictures of footprints we did while Kristy was in town. For the GA family baby shower, my Aunt Marion gave Joey a Curious George "Baby's First Steps" template for their footprints. After printing their feet on plain paper and scanning everything in, I was able to make two and not destroy the original with the inking process. We did try one hand but they quickly balled it into a fist and the print didn't come out to well. Oh well, there will be plenty of hand-shaped turkeys for the future :)

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