Before birth, one of Isaac's kidney's was slightly larger than the other. They just kept an eye on it and decided to follow up with a urologist after he was born. Because he was premature, he was also born with a PDA (hole in his heart). The treatment they used was an Ibuprofen injection which closed the hole, but caused hydronephrosis as a result. He wasn't able to be circumcised until an ultrasound was taken of his kidney to see if it had resolved itself over time and he was six months old so he could receive anesthesia for the procedure. At the beginning of April, the ultrasound and surgery were performed. The ultrasound still showed excess fluid on the kidney so today they did a VCUG (Voiding Cystourethrogram) to see if it was caused by reflux of urine back into the kidney from the bladder. The results was that it was not reflux and will likely resolve itself as he ages (common) so they will do a follow up ultrasound in a year.
So aside from those 2 pending appointments, Isaac is clear from all his previous medical issues. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers. We look forward to spending the rest of the year visiting friends and family and trying to make up for lost time :)

We had a wonderful mother's day, I got some fantastic gifts and spent some time with family (we missed you Jaimie and Ethan - poor little man got step again :()
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