So , both boys now have their 4 upper and lower middle teeth. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the molars are due in next. They've been eating well (better) and only recently had an allergic reaction type stuff to anything (when I added cinnamon to their applesauce, Eden's skin around his face got red and he refused to eat it) but other than that have no problems eating anything I give them. Isaac loves vinegary based foods and Eden is a sucker for peanut butter already.

We went to Justice's football game on Tuesday. The boys just played amongst themselves mostly and then with Ethan when he got there later. After 7 they started getting sleepy and wanted to be held so we rotated them amongst myself, sister, mom and dad. Isaac didn't go to anyone for very long except my dad. He loves his Papa :)
Ethan spent most of his time running around EVERYWHERE including trying to run out on the field!
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