We got in Friday night and Joey watched the boys while Kristy and I met some of her friends for the Pancakes & Booze Art show.

The next day while Kristy was at work, Joey and I took the boys to Shelby Park to swing a little. That night, we splurged on sushi and Isaac had and liked his first taste of hamachi. Eden just stuck with the edemame.

Sunday was spent working on their fort construction and at the park again and we had hot dogs for dinner.

Monday we all got hair cuts after a quick diversion to the basement office while a tornado warning went past. Then we got on the road and endured torrential rains, had to make a stop at Target for a new wind shield wiper since the driver side one almost came completely off, but it helped clear up the traffic we would have otherwise sat in for hours. We got in around 1:30 am and thankfully the boys slept until after 9 this morning.
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