The boys turned 3 yesterday and because we had no idea if we'd be in the midst of moving or not, we decided to have a low key party for family only at my parent's house. I was pleasantly surprised that almost everyone was able to make it including a cousin and family that lives in Alabama with a less than 1-year old I've barely met. I think everyone had a really good time, especially the boys.

I know for a fact Isaac did because Isaac initiated and gave both Joey and I a hug goodnight with arms open wide instead of just leaning into us while we hug him like he usually does. Eden gave his normal series of pulling my face close to give me a kiss and then smooshing it to his chest for a hug, repeatedly.

We were looking at the pictures later last night and realized just how much they are barely even toddlers anymore. They are so far from the babies they used to be and it is bittersweet. I love being able to watch them grow, learn and discover and see their personalities bloom, but sometimes I miss the sweet innocent little snuggles and coos they did as babies.
They have been playing with all their new loot intently all day long and I look forward to purging some of the older stuff soon.
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