We took the boys for a walk around the neighborhood on Saturday. It felt good to get out and have some fresh air. The slept most of the time which was good because I was having a little bit of a hard time navigating our lopsided sidewalks. After we got them in bed, Adam, Xavier and Jason came over and we broke in Little Stonehenge. It was nice to have some social time though it was an impromptu event.
Rachel B. came over to visit for a little while Sunday and I finally got some good pictures of Delila while I was playing with her on the floor.

After she had to leave we took the boys out in public for the first time. We were lokking for stuff at ToysR'Us in Fayetteville for the boys and it wasn't very crowded but we did get a few people making comments and asking if they were twins. Thankfully no one tried to touch them. :)

Afterward we went to a nearby park we'd never been to before and realized it was much bigger and nicer than we expected. We walked around looking at stuff for a while and enjoying the weather and got a bunch of great pictures of Isaac laughing. Eden was sleeping again, of course. :p
Look at the little stinker smiling! He's so adorable! Can't believe how fast they're growing up. Caleb started sitting up this morning. :)
I'm so glad y'all got out and about with the little guys! Love the picture of Isaac giggling- what a cutie! And, Trish- you look fantastic. Can't wait to see you guys soon!
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