Today Isaac and I braved the rain to go see his beloved pulmonologist, Dr. Lang. She said he sounds and looks great and sees no need to keep the emergency oxygen on hand anymore. She also doesn't think they'll need RSV shots next year and as long as he continues to do well, we'll come back in 3 months for one more follow up and then on an as needed basis after that. She also said to have the anesthesiologist call her if needed for a clearance for his upcoming surgery (circ) and she'd send him her notes from today's appointment.
I have to be honest, I'm going to miss her. I still wish this woman was a pediatrician - I'd make the trip for needed visits just to not have to deal with the ones I have so far. She's practical, efficient and preemptive which is great for me because I've never had to play phone tag with her EVER and when I did have to call for his release from the monitors, she answered her own phone. Not a machine, her nurse, or an operator. SHE actually answered. Anywho... He pulled his normal shyness with her and did his eye-flirting where he looks at you out of the tops of his eyes and grins, but as soon as she spoke directly to him, he started crying. As with every other time, as long as she just spoke to me, he was fine - such a strange child :)
My little man has come so far! I am so proud of him!!!!
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