I am a pajama mama, but only at home. If I ever have to go out, I at the very least, put on "real clothes" and 90% of the time minimal make up and attempt to do something with my hair. I feel bad whenever I have friends/family over and I remain in pj's but sometimes I simply don't have time. Soon the boys will be able to get out more which will have me spending more time on getting myself ready as well, so I know it won't always be like this. I found it interesting though that a Tesco supermarket in Cardiff, Wales has posted a sign asking people not to shop in their pajamas. It seems that the very sight of people shopping in their pajamas could “cause offense or embarrassment to other customers.” It doesn't embarrass me to see other people in their pj's, but I do notice and usually wonder what it takes to get to that level of not caring. But then I wonder if they have the right idea and don"t care what people think, stay comfortable, and have more time. What do you think?
I didn't realize what I wreck I look like on a day to day basis until Tuesday when Kat & Mela came to visit. I knew they were taking pictures and videos but didn't think much of it. Until they posted/emailed them. Makes me start thinking about what I wear when people come over now. Do I embarrass people who come over if I am in my pj's or just an old tshirt and sweat pants? Am I obsessing about this?

Here are some of the videos from the visit.
First off, NO you are NOT embarassing anyone who comes by to visit with you and your beautiful babies by being in your pjs or "mommy-wear." Anyone who matters will know that your priorities are not on clothes and make-up right now. And, you know what I notice is that Isaac and Eden ALWAYS look fantastic- clean, well cared for, HAPPY. What I can't STAND is when a mother has her hair and nails and make-up done and her child looks like their hair hasn't been washed or brushed in days, and their clothes don't fit, etc. The only downside to the mommy-wear is the evidence (photos and videos) as you noted, lol! ;) And eventually your babies will need little enough of your dauly care to enable you to be motivated enough to do the whole "getting dressed in real clothes, hair and make up" thing again. Heck, my youngest is nearly 4, and I'm just now getting there some days! :)
lol, thanks. I need that "other" aka positive perspective sometimes. I have a bad habit of caring too much what others think of me as well, but I guess that's just something I'll have to work on :)
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