Camera Fun! Lite on my Palm Pre'
The boys turned 9 months old yesterday. I gave them mandarin oranges for breakfast, which they loved, and for lunch some of the chicken noodle soup I made for dinner which they also gobbled up. This morning they got blueberries and pears and ate almost all of it, but got full quick. I need to attempt carrots again, but I think as long as they eat it mixed with something else, they'll like it more. I want to try them out with asparagus and brussel sprouts as well, but I'll have to figure out what to pair it with since they have such unique tastes of their own. Instead of purees, I'm starting leaving them in bite size chunks. I just gave them a snack with mandarin oranges that way and it was messy but entertaining. They do pretty well with the rice puffs, and I want to get some cheerios as well for them to practice feeding themselves with. They tried bananas that way and mostly squished them and the fruit will be a little slippery as well.

The boys fell asleep while I was on Skype with Kristy :)
They are getting much better at holding their cups and I've started leaving them in the high chairs a bit longer after they eat to figure it out but they keep tossing them on the floor. They have also transitioned into the big boy seat in the tub, so we'll have to get a second one so they can bathe together. Isaac loves to splash and Eden doesn't like water in his face, so this should be fun. Isaac and I are almost completely over the nasty colds we got and Eden started acting like he was getting one but it's about gone as well as his wicked diaper rash that forced us to put him in disposables for a while while the diapers were being re-cleaned.

Eden in the big boy tub seat
We took them to the Inman Park Festival last Sunday and they finally met the rest of the Nomadikat crew. We didn't walk around too much because of the volume of people there and left around 2 to try to get the boys home while they were asleep. They go to the doctor next week for their 9 month check up and shots and pictures the last weekend of the month. After that, the last session is 12 months then we get to order our book!!!!!

Cassy holding Isaac and Mela holding Eden
Here are more videos I finally got around to uploading today:
03/28/10 Playing outside with the dogs
04/14/10 I relinquished all my wooden spoons to the boys to play with.
04/22/10 Drinking from sippy cups and eating rice puffs in their high chairs
04/25/10 Inman Park Festival @ Kat's setup for Nomadikat
04/15/10 Boys playing in exersaucers outside with the girls
04/29/10 Isaac & Eden playing in their room
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