Eden takes pictures similar to my mom and I - we either blink or accidentally look away :)
Eden will just lay on his elbows on his tummy and play for extended periods of time, but can't yet lift himself onto his hands. He recently has been rolling to his right from one side of the room to the other all week now. He hasn't figured out how to roll in the other direction though, so it's a lot of me getting up and turning him upside down to roll back or re-placing him back on the other side the room so I can get back up in five minutes.

Isaac playing attack of the monkeys - little does he realize that he IS one!
Isaac can roll from his back to his tummy but not back to his back and will lift himself up from his tummy on his hands up as far as he can unlike Eden. He does this for maybe 5 minutes and then he pivots a little until he's totally frustrated and yells for help. However, tonight, he started grabbing the blanket on the floor and pulling on it while trying to get to his knees or feet. This is a HUGE step in mobility for them. I have no doubt as soon as one of them figures it out, the other will be close behind since they watch each other so intently now on everything including eating.

Going for a walk on a brisk sunny day...

Playing on the floor in their new summer monkey wear :)
So now we have to hurry up and find a more permanent place for the corral, install the rest of the baby proof latches, and relocate the Pyrex baking dishes to a higher location in substitution for a more Rubbermaid friendly option. I can't believe they'll be 9 months old in just a couple more weeks! I have to get an appointment set up for that doctor's visit too I guess. We're starting to assemble thoughts for their birthday party. It will definitely be at our hose but we're trying to settle on either the weekend before or after their actual birthday which is on a Wednesday. A kiddie pool will likely be bought. That's all I got for now. :)

Walking at Clark Community Park on 4/11/10
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