A week or so ago (on a whim really) I decided to start putting them down for naps without rocking them. A lot of times, the transition from our arms to the crib would wake them up and I was trying to figure out an alternative. We also starting to do it for bedtime as well and would rub their backs, quietly talk to them, whatever we could to console them into sleep. The afternoon naps were the hardest, but we stuck to it. We're starting to miss rocking them but I guess it's all part of them growing up. As of last night, they both were bathed, laid in their cribs with their bottles and then when they were finished, rolled around for about 5- 10 minutes and then fell asleep on their own. We couldn't believe it, but I guess time will tell. Lord knows this will be helpful later when I tell them to go lay down for a nap/bed (yeah right!).
It makes me happy and sad all at the same time. We laid in bed talking about how far they've come in the past 11 months and what a strong family unit we feel like we've formed. I'm looking forward to seeing what life offers us in the coming years and watching these two little guys turn into men. Who knows, maybe one day they'll even have a little sister to play with, but not anytime soon, so don't get you're hopes up :)

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