Wow - it's been almost a month since my last post! Well I've definitely been busy. We all went to Rachel's birthday party over the weekend of the 4th of July and they had a good time playing will all the kids. The following 2 days after that were spent with my parents celebrating the 4th. Unfortunately Joey contracted an evil stomach virus, which I got a mild version of and Isaac was only a tad subjected to. But poor Eden has surely been getting the brunt of it all. He started getting sick, maybe once a day starting the Thursday after and at first we only thought it was his week gag reflex.
He still hasn't run a temperature, I'm pumping him with pedialyte and other than not being able to stomach much food, he seems to be his normal self. I started to really worry a week into it when he got sick even off of just water. I brought him to the doctor who said it was a stomach virus which usually runs it's course in 7 to 10 days and if it was still continuing beyond that, they'd look for something else. We thought he was getting better. He only got sick once yesterday and it was well into the day. I brought him to the chiropractor with me tonight but if he's still bad after tomorrow, I'll bring him back to the doctor Wednesday. The following Wednesday will be their birthday and 12 month pictures so I want him to feel better for that. T Thursday after will be their 12 month doctor appointment, but if he's still sick, he won't be able to get his immunizations, and then the Saturday after that is their birthday party and it will kill me if he's still sick then.
Please keep him in your prayers, I know I am frustrated and feel helpless because I can't make him feel better but I know my poor little guy has got to feel gross after vomiting daily not to mention the fountain of diarrhea that he now produces along with it. I know God is protecting him through all of this, but it's really starting to wear on me, mentally, emotionally, and of course physically, because I can't devote much time to care for him since there are two to run after.
Speaking of which, Isaac finally got ahold of the modem and unplugged it today so we'll be rearranging the corale in the living room yet again.
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