The boys are trying to reach the dogs on the other side of the gate :)
Saturday Joey and I went to Dave Ramsey Live at Gwinnett Arena and Mela & Shawn's Housewarming Party (Thanks again mom & Rakelo for babysitting!) and Sunday met up at Buckhead baseball to watch the Strange boys' play baseball (sorry we missed your game, Zack - maybe next time!) Zack and Josh are getting so big! It's hard to believe they used to be as little as my two when I babysat them while Anna was at school. Time sure does fly by! A lot of times, Joey and I see similarities in Eden and Zack as well as Josh and Isaac, so we have a glimpse of what life will be like in the future. They love each other too - Josh especially loves babies though. Zack thought it was cool that he was the one to let them play with their first batman toys. :D

They are getting even more vocal now. Isaac knows to put his arms up and says up when I ask him if he's all done eating - Eden's still working on it. Isaac also does this when he wants to be picked up - Eden, again is working on it. Eden will point at everything - when we say to point up, he does. When we say to point to George (Curious George stickers all over their room), he does and usually babbles something that sounds like George. He points really well and most of the time with his left hand and uses two fingers with his right. Isaac - working on it. Eden shakes his head yes and Isaac will say it. We think they are saying a lot more then we realize because the volume of how much they talk now, we just have to listen hard and try to say what we think they are saying right after they speak. When we get something right, their eyes light up as they turn towards us and smile. It's so cute!
They're also still working on walking. We keep shoes on them when we go out and try to hold them by their torsos instead of their arms so they learn balance, but right now they are still content to cruise. The span of their reach has increased dramatically though (Eden can reach a lot of stuff he previously couldn't and almost reaches the counters and door knobs) which has helped them attempt to reach out and stand on their own. Once Eden realizes he's standing on his own (leaned against us) he gets a little scared. Any tips on helping them overcome the fear of falling? I'm starting to get anxious for them to walk. All of the kids in the library playgroup are walking and I feel like the boys are missing out on a lot by not being able to yet. I know they will when they are ready to, they have with everything else. I just wonder if there is something I could/should be doing to boost their confidence. We practice everywhere - upstairs where it's carpeted, downstairs on the laminate with no socks to slip with, outside on grass/concrete.etc. with shoes on. They pull up totally fine on their own on pretty much anything, even just a wall and know how to lift their feet to take steps while we support them. It's just the standing on their own and then moving that seems to get them.