Sunday we joined thousands of other people for the Friend & Family day at Atlanta Zoo. We waited in line for about an hour before getting in, but the boys were mostly tolerant so it wasn't too bad. Once we got to the window, I knew it was going to be $10 but didn't factor in taxes, so after I took out my change purse to get out the extra $.80 and suddenly heard the guy at the ticket counter saying "ma'am, don't worry about it". I expected him to at least keep the $10 I already gave him, but he handed it back to me as well so we wound up getting in for free! We found Sarah and Orin and their friends shortly thereafter and paraded our stroller trains around through the crowds as we caught glimpses of the different animals that were still out. Eden liked the otters and would giggle and point to them as well as the black sun bear. By the time we got to the panda's, they were pretty tired and over it. I made the mistake of checking out the elephants first so I missed the giraffe's completely (my fav), but we're making plans to go back again in the spring with the family sometime - maybe by them the boys can walk :) Sadly, I didn't take any pictures, but there wasn't much time or space to do so anyways. I didn't get to talk much to Sarah's friends either, but it was nice to meet some new people (with kids) as well.
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