We didn't take too many pictures - we got to my parent's house about 30 minutes late so we got to eating ASAP :) The boys have been very cranky and sleep deprived = so am I - with fevers for the past 2 - 3 days because of incoming molars. Eden now has all 4 of his first 4 molars and Isaac has his bottom 2. I guess the figured out what Thanksgiving had in store and wanted to get some more chompers prepared. Poor little things didn't eat much outside of mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and cranberry sauce (which Eden LOVES) because their mouths hurt so bad. We all had a good day of stuffing ourselves, especially with the 3 different kinds of stuffing that was made! I am eternally grateful for everything I have been given and yet to receive. I have a fantastic family and bunch of friends and am looking forward to what the next year will provide for me to be thankful for.
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