That's how old they are now. The running, jumping, chicken nugget and banana loving little monkeys that I get to hang out with every day. I am so thankful that they love to take baths and rush to get ready for bed to see who gets to brush their teeth first. The love to sing songs and do all the hand motions to them. They think that getting to watch their shows is a treat and get excited when I put on an educational DVD for them with words. The LOVE being outside and beg to go out as soon as we're done with breakfast so they can hunt for the smallest and biggest rocks they can find while enjoying a good dirt bath in the midst of the hunt or between chalk drawing. They (most of the time) enjoy playing with each other and can spend countless mornings and pre and post naps tossing their stuffed puppy dogs back and forth at each other in their cribs and giggle and jump up and down while screaming at the top of their lungs.
They love their real dogs and most mornings Eden will lay beside Delila on her dog bed in the livingroom and pet her, and she'll just lay there when he decides the only way to get up is by crawling over her. My first baby will be 10 years old in October and I'm so glad she's getting to experience all the love and affection that kids give their pets. Polli will be 8 on the 21st and has started playing with them a little more. They love to chase her and try to grab her tail, which most time she'll oblige with being chased.
Tonight before dinner, we held hands as usual and said our blessing but this time, Eden wanted to give me a kiss afterward, which is very rare. Isaac will give kisses when I ask for them, but I have to steal them from Eden, so this really melted me. Not more than an hour later though I was trying not to fling him across the yard because he wacked me in the head with a plastic gardening hoe; I was playing with Isaac and not him I guess. He went into time out and got a thorough tongue lashing, I think it may have scared him a little. He hit me in my blind rage rage spot of my head with the edge of the tool though, so he's really lucky he's not a part of the fence right now (I'm kidding of course).
I'm so blessed to get to be the mom of these two little men and can't wait to see what the future holds for us. They'll be 2 soon and then before you know it, they'll start school and I'll have to repaint the house again to keep myself busy :) More than that though, I am so blessed to have such an awesome and amazing husband who is able to financially support us so I can stay at home with them and manage the house needs. I love even more that he's able to work from home most of the time so while his hours may run late some nights, at least he gets to spend time with the boys in the evenings and not with traffic.
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