Joey playing with the boys at McDonald's on the way up.

Isaac wanted to taste the dirt in the back yard

L to R: Corey, Isaac, Eden, Lilly, Elijah

Corey and Lilly reading to Isaac

All the Rhodes' men. L to R: Beau, Isaac, Eden, Clint, Joey
Some of te extended family came over for a cookout on Saturday and all the kids played really well together. It was nice to see the boys get so engrossed in play with the other kids so we could be in another room and they didn't panic to find us. They did have a couple sleepy induced breakdowns but we tried to remember they were out of their element and how old they were and got through the weekend just fine.

Playground at Arnette Park

Isaac helping Grandma with laundry

The car ride up was good for the boys thought the weather was horrible and of course the opposite for both cases on the way home. Eden busted his lip on the front porch coming in from dinner Sunday night so it was probably irritating him, hence part of his seemingly eternal frustration on the way home. Overall, they were really good and we all had a good visit.

Playing at the rest stop in Augusta on the way home.
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