7/30/09 5:21 PM: Born premature at 32 weeks old on July 28, 2009 via emergency cesarean - Isaac was in a hurry to see what all the fuss was outside of the womb.

8/2/09 2:33 PM: Mini update: both boys are doing great, Isaac's PDA was resolved, both belly line's are out & iv instead, both off oxygen, Eden started on my Colostrum I have been pumping & Isaac should start tonight at 8. Thank you all for the continued prayers & support.
8/4/09 2:42 AM: I just got to hold Eden for an hour while he had his feeding.

8/5/09 12:00 AM: Just got to Kangaroo with Isaac for over an hour while he had his feeding - we both passed out :)
Isaac's PDA (Patent ductus arteriosus) is gone from the ibuprofen treatments and he's receiving medicine for his hydronephrosis (enlarged kidney) and probably will continue until he comes home - both things are very common in preemies. He's still on a little oxygen - they tried to take him off it yesterday, but he wasn't ready yet. His feedings are up to 12 cc's and he's handling them well. No more jaundice lights, though both of their bili-numbers are a little higher than they should be, Dr. Velez is waiting to see if they start coming down now that they are feeding on breast milk and that should start the liver to filter it out. Eden is just trucking along, his only "complication" right now is keeping his IV in. He's on room air and has been for a few days now. He's up to 24 cc's for his feedings which is his maximum before they take him off tube feeding. They have taken him off the nutrients he's been receiving via tube and hope to take him off the lipids today. They are adding fortifiers to both of their feedings for fats and extra calories. Eden had a big weight loss which is normal but he's working on bringing it back up. Eden weighs 3 lbs, 5.2 oz and Isaac is at 3 lbs 14.3 oz as of last night.
We've stopped asking when they think they'll come home because we've been getting anything from 2 weeks to their due date as answers depending on who we ask. We just hope they are able to graduate to the step down care together and eventually to go home at the same time as well, but we'll deal with that as it comes. For now, we're just trying to manage our time wisely and stay healthy mentally, emotionally and physically for them. Please keep us in your prayers - we've still got a lot to go through.
Sorry I've been bad with updates. Love you guys.
8/6/09 3:19 PM: Eden and I just had our first breast feeding lesson and we both did great! We'll give Isaac a bath in about an hour. Life is good =)
8/9/09 1:10 PM: Thank you to all who came to our "make-up" shower yesterday, it was good to see you all =)
8/9/09 8:17 PM: Got to start attempting breastfeeding with Isaac today and Eden moved over to the step down care side - one step closer to home!
8/10/09 12:19 PM: CELEBRATING - they just moved Isaac over to step down care with Eden and both will start bottle feedings today!!!

8/12/09 12:14 AM: Had my 2 week follow up appointment today - Dr. okay'd me to drive, get chiropractic adjustment, etc., so I have an appointment tomorrow. Lots to do still but the boys are doing good. Got to breastfeed both today for about 10-15 minutes each. ... Gave both baths and they got to see what wearing clothes is like - Eden REALLY liked it. Sadly Joey's last day off is tomorrow, but we'll make the most of it.

8/13/09 3:05 PM: Joey's back at work today =( but I survived my first tandem breast stim/bottle feeding on my own (ok i had a little help). Made me start to feel like a mom =)
8/14/09 6:13 PM: After baths last night, Isaac weighs 4lb 7 oz & Eden weighs 4lb 3.6 oz. Eden starts taking 2 bottles a day today & Isaac will probably start tomorrow.
8/16/09 11:55 AM: Eden is now 4lb 8.1 oz and Isaac is 4lb 11.2 oz. Both taking 3 bottles a day. Now we just need to ween Isaac off his oxygen...
8/17/09 11:19 AM: Eden is on bottle feedings every feeding now and Isaac us still on three a day but has a new formula that should help with his reflux. We brought the car seats in last night for testing and they both passed their hearing test. Not long now...
8/17/09 9:40 PM: Eden might be coming home in the next few days...
8/18/09 11:33 AM: I finally finished the mural - I posted pictures under the twin's photo album along with pictures of them from yesterday.
8/21/09: 1:06 AM: Isaac now weighs 5 lb 0.3 oz and Eden weighs 4 lb 11.4 oz. =)
8/22/09 12:18 PM: Sitting in the nursery at home with Eden. Isaac should be joining us sometime next week.

8/22/09 12:07 PM: Isaac at the hospital without his breathing tube in (oxygen delivered by "blow-by") experiment to wean him off = failed
8/24/09 3:45 PM: our little boys back together again

8/25/09 12:41 PM: wow - that was a loooong crazy night...
8/26/09 12:26 PM: Isaac's first docor appt. was at 8 this morning. I'm wiped for the day and I think he is too.
8/29/09 10:39 PM: Thank you for all my birthday wishes. I woke up to babies crying of course but couldn't have been happier about it. My amazing husband made me crab legs/claws and gave me cheesecake on top of "Coraline" on DVD. I am very tired but had a great day!

9/2/09 10:46 PM: going to pulmonary specialist tomorrow for Isaac. Keep us in your prayers.
9/3/09 7:56 PM: Isaac's appointment with the pulmonary specialist went well today - we were 30 minutes late thanks to bumper to bumper traffic on 285 but thankfully Dr. Lang still saw us - I LOVE HER! She was able to answer a lot of questions and address some c...oncerns I had. Isaac is doing well and will have a follow up with her in November. It was also our first trip, all four of us, and Joey and I head up a pretty good team :)
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