Thankfully we have no doctor appointments this upcoming week so I can "sleep in" a little bit. I picked out some fabric yesterday to donate to NICU and will probably include one of the pictures from their newborn photo shoot tomorrow after we get them back, so I need to figure out when 'll do that.
Aunt Kritty will be visiting in a couple of weeks and we'll be doing the hand/foot prints while she's here. It will be around their due date and they're hands and feet are chubby now so the prints should come out well.
They both have their eye doctor appointment follow up on the 22nd and then their 2 month check up with their first round of shots on October 1st. We got a letter in the mail that Isaac was approved for 5 months of the shots to help prevent RSV and now we're waiting on Eden's.
We're also starting to get in bills from the specialists, etc. at the hospital but we just made another large deposit towards our savings towards a car. We started seriously looking around for one so if you see anything you think we'd be interested in, let us know. Details required are:
- 4 doors
- prefer hatchback but at least a decent amount of cargo space (not a van - yet)
- good gas mileage
- automatic transmission (no manual for Joey - yet)
- cloth seats
- A/C & heat
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