Isaac had his 2 week follow-up weight appointment today and now weighs 6 lb 2 oz. I now need to make an appointment for both of the for their one month followup when they start getting shots. yay. Tomorrow all four of us go to the eye doctor then Isaac will go in October to the urologist and GI specialist and return to the beloved Dr. Lang (pulmonary specialist) in November.

We're all still trying to settle into a schedule and finally have the medicine administration down pat. Isaac made his first visit to their monkey bathroom for his big boy bath and the nursery afterward for a bottle and brief lay in the crib and seemed to really enjoy it. Once we feel more comfortable with the idea, we'll do a trial run with them sleeping in their cribs in the nursery. (I'll probably sleep on the futon aka park bench that night.

Grandma & Grandpa Rhodes got to come visit a couple times before returning to NC for work/daily routines and brought us some tasty chili which didn't last long. Grandma Moseley helped Joey watch the boys while he worked so I could have my own 6 week check up and everything is back to "normal" and we also took the little black scooter to the shop to finally get fixed (which should be by this weekend) so we can sell it - and even had interest from a customer in the store!
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