Eden & Isaac have been enjoying each others company a lot more now. Eden was the fist to become interested but now we can sit them facing each other and watch them raise eyebrows and smile. Playing together either on their play-mat or in their crib lasts a little longer each time as well.

Joey was on vacation all Christmas week so he got to spend a lot of time bonding with them and we could have more personalized time with each of them instead of me spending my normal 9-5 just trying to make sure they get changed, fed, take naps and are generally happy.

We got them Bumbo seats which has helped them learn to sit on their own a little better. They're still getting their head control and upper body strength in order, but do very well supervised.

Isaac is funny to watch while sucking his thumb because he doesn't close his hand, he just leaves it open over his eyes usually. But Eden has become quite taken with holding his own bottle. Only hard part is getting his hands to stay still on is so he doesn't slap it away.

Santa came to see the boys and they got lots of great toys and clothes that should hopefully last until February :)
All in all, it's been a good week, although we are wiped out. Can't wait to see what the new year will bring us!
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