It's official! As of today - Isaac has no strings! They picked up both his moniters today. We still have oxygen tanks on hand in case he develops a cold and need some breathing assistance, but as soon as RSV season is over, they get picked up as well. It's wonderful to think of how far they've both come. I am so proud of them already.

(Left) Eden & Isaac 8/31/09 ~ (Right) Isaac & Eden 12/1/09
We drove up to Kennesaw to use our gift certificates from the Shane Company that they sent when they closed the Morrow store and got stuck in a torrential downpour. We learned though that not only could we feed both of them in the car without having to get out to unhook/restrap them in their car seats, but that I could change their diapers in my lap as well. Joey had to support their heads though because they're so long :)

Me, Eden, Joey & Isaac; Me changing Isaac
The boys have started going to the chiropractor with me once a week. This past time, Eden didn't even need an adjustment because he was still aligned from last time. Isaac has been having more regular BM's which I didn't ever understand how wonderful that is until I became a parent. They have also gotten their 4 month shots and next round of RSV shots - they yelled of course, but then slept it off and we're great after that. The teething has continued and they are drooling all over everything but we got some homeopathic teething tablets that have been helping a lot and we don't have to give them Tylenol as a result.
The BCW educator comes by every couple of weeks to go over the boys progress and discuss what exercises we need to do next to get them on track for their developmental age. Isaac is refusing tummy time at the moment though we're having to "force" him to do it so he can get used to the idea of it and hopefully stop screaming every time we put him on the mat. Eden's been progressing well, now we just have to convince him to keep his hands open while he swats at stuff to actually try to grab it. Eden is also sleeping on both sides now (looking both ways that is) so his head is nice and round in the back and MAN IS THAT KIDS HAIR COMING IN! Isaac still prefers his right side and has a slight misshapen head and bald spot in the back, but we're working on that through stretches and adjustments.

Eden Tummy Time
The pediatrician cleared us to start trying spoon feeding with them as well. Isaac loves just sitting in the high chair and playing but wasn't real keen on the spoon yet while Eden didn't care to just sit and play there but really got into eating off a spoon.It's funny how they are opposite on so much stuff like this :)

Isaac in the highchair

Eden in the highchair
The boys have discovered Kipper and love it. We got some video of them laughing at it while sitting in their car seats watching. Don't hate - parents of twins need a break every once in a while and if 10 minutes of that does it so I can eat a hot mean, so be it. They have also discovered that sitting up is much funner than laying down so whenever they are laid down for a quick moment to do something instead of propping them up on their Boppy and pillows, they scream as if to say "how dare you lay me down!"
We are ready for Christmas, dying to give the boys their presents so we can see how they figure out all the new playthings they will have and excited at what the new year will bring. Oh and a quick warning, we have a new phones and mine not only has a flash on it, it has a flash I can control (like on a regular camera) and takes great pictures (but sadly no video although Joey's does) so I'll probably be bombarding everyone with pictures more regularly. :)

Sweet little Isaac face
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