There was a nice dusting of snow on the ground at 8 this morning when I woke to sounds of babies crying. Joey was already up feeding Eden and trying to pacify Isaac as best he could with his voice until it was his turn.
We are definitely in full gear for Christmas now. The tree is up and decorated, I made a new wreath for the front door and hug some lights, we got special ornaments for the boys and you can see pictures of the stocking's I decided to make the boys at my other blog.
For Joey and I to keep.
For them to take with them one day.
We spent the afternoon at my parents' house for my sister's birthday and Eden and Ethan made each other laugh most of the time we were there. I tried to get some of the cuteness on my camera phone, but not only did it fail to record, it subsequently ate what pictures I did have on there. We need to resolve this problem before they start moving because God knows I won't have time to run and get the video camera when they do.
Isaac returns tomorrow for hopefully one of his last repeat visits to the Eye Dr. since he's been off his oxygen for over a month now. The pediatrician cleared us to start practice feeding them watered down cereal so they can get the feel for it and eating off a spoon. I'm pretty sure they already have the taste for it due to the oatmeal in their formula, but they do stick their tongues out a lot so we'll see how that goes.
Just a little less than 2 weeks and Joey will be on vacation for a week! Woo HOO! I am looking forward to the family time and attempting to visit friends we've not yet been able to.
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