
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas + Vacation

Eden & Isaac have been enjoying each others company a lot more now. Eden was the fist to become interested but now we can sit them facing each other and watch them raise eyebrows and smile. Playing together either on their play-mat or in their crib lasts a little longer each time as well.

Joey was on vacation all Christmas week so he got to spend a lot of time bonding with them and we could have more personalized time with each of them instead of me spending my normal 9-5 just trying to make sure they get changed, fed, take naps and are generally happy.

We got them Bumbo seats which has helped them learn to sit on their own a little better. They're still getting their head control and upper body strength in order, but do very well supervised.

Isaac is funny to watch while sucking his thumb because he doesn't close his hand, he just leaves it open over his eyes usually. But Eden has become quite taken with holding his own bottle. Only hard part is getting his hands to stay still on is so he doesn't slap it away.

Santa came to see the boys and they got lots of great toys and clothes that should hopefully last until February :)

All in all, it's been a good week, although we are wiped out. Can't wait to see what the new year will bring us!

Friday, December 18, 2009


It's official! As of today - Isaac has no strings! They picked up both his moniters today. We still have oxygen tanks on hand in case he develops a cold and need some breathing assistance, but as soon as RSV season is over, they get picked up as well. It's wonderful to think of how far they've both come. I am so proud of them already.

(Left) Eden & Isaac 8/31/09 ~ (Right) Isaac & Eden 12/1/09

We drove up to Kennesaw to use our gift certificates from the Shane Company that they sent when they closed the Morrow store and got stuck in a torrential downpour. We learned though that not only could we feed both of them in the car without having to get out to unhook/restrap them in their car seats, but that I could change their diapers in my lap as well. Joey had to support their heads though because they're so long :)

Me, Eden, Joey & Isaac; Me changing Isaac

The boys have started going to the chiropractor with me once a week. This past time, Eden didn't even need an adjustment because he was still aligned from last time. Isaac has been having more regular BM's which I didn't ever understand how wonderful that is until I became a parent. They have also gotten their 4 month shots and next round of RSV shots - they yelled of course, but then slept it off and we're great after that. The teething has continued and they are drooling all over everything but we got some homeopathic teething tablets that have been helping a lot and we don't have to give them Tylenol as a result.

The BCW educator comes by every couple of weeks to go over the boys progress and discuss what exercises we need to do next to get them on track for their developmental age. Isaac is refusing tummy time at the moment though we're having to "force" him to do it so he can get used to the idea of it and hopefully stop screaming every time we put him on the mat. Eden's been progressing well, now we just have to convince him to keep his hands open while he swats at stuff to actually try to grab it. Eden is also sleeping on both sides now (looking both ways that is) so his head is nice and round in the back and MAN IS THAT KIDS HAIR COMING IN! Isaac still prefers his right side and has a slight misshapen head and bald spot in the back, but we're working on that through stretches and adjustments.

Eden Tummy Time

The pediatrician cleared us to start trying spoon feeding with them as well. Isaac loves just sitting in the high chair and playing but wasn't real keen on the spoon yet while Eden didn't care to just sit and play there but really got into eating off a spoon.It's funny how they are opposite on so much stuff like this :)

Isaac in the highchair

Eden in the highchair

The boys have discovered Kipper and love it. We got some video of them laughing at it while sitting in their car seats watching. Don't hate - parents of twins need a break every once in a while and if 10 minutes of that does it so I can eat a hot mean, so be it. They have also discovered that sitting up is much funner than laying down so whenever they are laid down for a quick moment to do something instead of propping them up on their Boppy and pillows, they scream as if to say "how dare you lay me down!"

We are ready for Christmas, dying to give the boys their presents so we can see how they figure out all the new playthings they will have and excited at what the new year will bring. Oh and a quick warning, we have a new phones and mine not only has a flash on it, it has a flash I can control (like on a regular camera) and takes great pictures (but sadly no video although Joey's does) so I'll probably be bombarding everyone with pictures more regularly. :)

Sweet little Isaac face

Monday, December 14, 2009

Justice's Birthday

Ethan loves his cousins!

singing happy birthday to Justice

Isaac & Eden in their snowsuits from Grandma Kim - still a bit large, but kept them nice and toasty!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Here comes Santa Clause...

There was a nice dusting of snow on the ground at 8 this morning when I woke to sounds of babies crying. Joey was already up feeding Eden and trying to pacify Isaac as best he could with his voice until it was his turn.

We are definitely in full gear for Christmas now. The tree is up and decorated, I made a new wreath for the front door and hug some lights, we got special ornaments for the boys and you can see pictures of the stocking's I decided to make the boys at my other blog.
For Joey and I to keep.

For them to take with them one day.

We spent the afternoon at my parents' house for my sister's birthday and Eden and Ethan made each other laugh most of the time we were there. I tried to get some of the cuteness on my camera phone, but not only did it fail to record, it subsequently ate what pictures I did have on there. We need to resolve this problem before they start moving because God knows I won't have time to run and get the video camera when they do.

Isaac returns tomorrow for hopefully one of his last repeat visits to the Eye Dr. since he's been off his oxygen for over a month now. The pediatrician cleared us to start practice feeding them watered down cereal so they can get the feel for it and eating off a spoon. I'm pretty sure they already have the taste for it due to the oatmeal in their formula, but they do stick their tongues out a lot so we'll see how that goes.

Just a little less than 2 weeks and Joey will be on vacation for a week! Woo HOO! I am looking forward to the family time and attempting to visit friends we've not yet been able to.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The boys and I had our first solo flight today to their 4 month appointment. Isaac's down to one monitor during the day so that helped and the oxygen tank only came for in cases in the trunk. They are both 25 inches long and Isaac weighed 13 lbs. 3 ounces and Eden weighed 15 lbs. 13 ounces. We also got to meet their new pediatrician, Dr. Brichant, who should have been it from the get go. I like her a lot better and hopefully their won't be any more issues in the future. They also got their shots while they were there. Eden did some kind of babble/scream that convinced the nurse giving the shots that not only had she never heard anything like it, but that she believed he just cursed her out in baby language and then shot her a dirty look. He was pretty fussy after his 3 hour nap but he finally got settled after a 7 ounce bottle and another 1 hour nap and resumed his normal smiling self.

Just in time for me to take him to the chiropractor with me this evening. Isaac went with me yesterday and his evaluation showed sublixations in his neck and sacral area, which makes sense due to his reflux and constipation issues. i don't expect Eden to have the same or at least not as severe, but his birth wasn't as traumatic and I'd like to get him check out just in case.

They officially turned 4 months old on the 28th and Dr. Brichant said we can start trying to spoon them thinned out cereal. Believe it or not, I am really excited about this. I know food will be flung, but I can't wait to see the pictures I get either. :)

This past Saturday we went to Fox's Pizza in Hampton (really good pizza - try the taco pizza - yummm) and then to Worthington Tree Farm. We sacraficed the extra money to get a Fraser Fir. They're not native here so we didn't get to cut one down, but we got a pretty decent one all the same. We decorated it Sunday evening and got a few extra things to put on it Monday as well.

I bought some material yesterday to make the boys some stockings and all we have left to put up is the outside Christmas lights. Christmas with the fam will be at my sister's this year and Joey is super excited because instead of having a big meal, we're all making/bringing finger foods. For anyone who doesn't know him, Joey would live off of finger foods if you let him.

We'll start our Christmas shopping for the boys in the next week or so and already have projects underway for our parents/their grandparents. We're planning on making dog treats again too, but a different kind. Still searching for an ingredient, but we have a substitute in case I can't find it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


We had a wonderful thanksgiving at our house with my family today.

I'm not sure what the exact factor that triggered it was, from the increase in the amount they eat before going to bed, the increased temperature in their room , the bath before bed, or the fact they hardly napped yesterday, but the boys slept from approx. 8/9 to 6:30 this morning. I woke on my own at 6 and thought it was odd my clock was reading so late and drifted back to sleep. The monitor woke me when they started rustling at 6:30 and after I got them fed and changed, I asked Joey if he had gotten up with them at their usual time last night. We brought them to bed with us and fell asleep again watching the news and then got up around 9 to start cooking.

My family started arriving at 12 and Joey blessed the food and we were stuffed and sharing what we were thankful for by 1:30.

We played a little wii and some xbox and watched a little tv, but it was very relaxing, no stress and the boys got lots of love. I enjoyed being "Martha Stewart" as Joey so called me and look forward to doing it again one day.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Not a whole lot new to update. The boys are doing pretty well, turned into little giggle boxes which has been so fun! Isaac's reflux medicine got switched again and he seems to be doing well on it. We stopped Eden's completely and he's doing great with just the oatmeal added to the formula. Isaac weighs 12 lb 5 oz and Eden now weighs 14 lb. 11.5 oz. They'll go for their 4 month check up and shots in a couple weeks and we'll finally get to meettheir new pediatrician.

Can you tell who is who? We're in so much trouble...

Eden loves the jungle gym.

Eden and Isaac - they love the spider monkeys!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Autumn update

We took the boys for a walk around the neighborhood on Saturday. It felt good to get out and have some fresh air. The slept most of the time which was good because I was having a little bit of a hard time navigating our lopsided sidewalks. After we got them in bed, Adam, Xavier and Jason came over and we broke in Little Stonehenge. It was nice to have some social time though it was an impromptu event.

Rachel B. came over to visit for a little while Sunday and I finally got some good pictures of Delila while I was playing with her on the floor.

After she had to leave we took the boys out in public for the first time. We were lokking for stuff at ToysR'Us in Fayetteville for the boys and it wasn't very crowded but we did get a few people making comments and asking if they were twins. Thankfully no one tried to touch them. :)

Afterward we went to a nearby park we'd never been to before and realized it was much bigger and nicer than we expected. We walked around looking at stuff for a while and enjoying the weather and got a bunch of great pictures of Isaac laughing. Eden was sleeping again, of course. :p

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